Craft Favor

Craft Favor

    NameCraft Favor


    Keep in contact with artisan informers100%1-3 Spying700:45:00111
    Keep in contact with artisan informers 2100%1-4 Spying800:45:00111
    Keep in contact with artisan informers 3100%1-5 Spying900:45:00111
    Keep in contact with artisan informers 4100%2-6 Spying1000:45:00111
    Solicit artisanal favors100%2-4 Spying2006:56:40


    Name Terrain Difficulty Risk Level Qantity
    Plains of Hawkoria Plains2100%
    Riverwood Forest Forest3100%
    Whitestone fields Plains5100%
    Highaerie Hills Hill680%
    Goldenfog plains Plains780%
    Shortpoint Forest Forest850%
    Loudthunder forest Forest150.1120%
    Shortblades Mountains Mountain200.180%
    Whispering forest Forest200.180%
    Lufomir Snow300.1150%


    NameLandformDifficultyRisk LevelQantity
    Thousand Hands districtUrbanUrban30120%
    Historic hobradUrbanUrban450200%
    Artisans' districtUrbanUrban5100%

    Can be used in

    Convince someone to cast a gold ingot2300:10:0015
    Draft a construction agreement-102:18:53 x 56214
    Obtain the seal of the gold ingots2005:00:00201010
    Draft a commerce agreement-102:18:53 x 51143
    Draft an academic agreement-102:18:53 x 521264
    The manufacturing methods000:00:102

    Used in quests

    Contact network
    The manufacturing methods