A true labyrinth

Arianne Setru

By my grandmother's ugly slippers! I have been waiting for more than two hours and nothing seems to happen! It's maddening! Maryse will definitely be worried about me... and she will dismiss me after making sure I'm fine. I am sure of it! Oh? Did she send you? Okay, I'll explain. The package that Sir Gormal's cousin was to bring us was with all the other parcels from the old continent. Do not ask me how this happened. So to get it I have to fill in a request for material, but for that I have to get the yellow form ... but I need the blue one, to get the required document... and nobody knows who gives this damn paper! In fact, I'm sure nobody really knows its real colour! It might be turquoise for all I care! Turquoise! Help me! Please!

Start location: City of Hawkoria - Imperial district - Imperial court of record
End location: City of Hawkoria - Imperial district - Imperial court of record

Requirements for finish

Blue form


8x Foggy Pearl

Next quests

A rainbow of forms - after finish


Manipulate a staff member Spying2600:00:10
Bribe a bureaucrat Commerce2900:00:10
Defy the intricacies of the bureaucracy Exploration3600:00:10