Suspicious disappearance

Calden Collar

The passenger in cabin eight has disappeared. In fact, one of my informers claims to have heard the noise of an object or person being thrown in the water. If that was indeed the missing passenger, we can suppose he had an accomplice who is ready to kill if threatened with discovery. I have asked my contact to spread a rumor suggesting I know the identity of the culprit. I presume he will try to get rid of me quickly. To decrease the risks, I have asked the captain to come alongside the ice field, but I still need your help to watch my back.

Start location: Caleron's passage
End location: Caleron's passage

Requirements for finish

Closed trap
Thoughts on the investigation


Frederica Soriason's residence (90:318)
8x Foggy Pearl

Next quests

Awkwardness - 6


Catch the suspects Offense-100:00:10
Leave the suspects to Cerrydwen General-100:00:10
Continue traveling on the North Sea Sea-100:02:46
Keep an eye on Calden's cabin door Spying3500:00:10
Deceive the suspects Hunting4000:00:10