The murder weapon


Hmmm... you say you noticed some perforation marks at the base of the skull, near the spine... Hard to say if it was made by a sting of a beast, like our friend the treforus, or from a weapon. However, if we were killed by the chimera, it would certainly have brought our bodies closer to its den, and Leonard would certainly have not found them. We can suppose it would have been the case for any predator prowling around. We must therefore assume that we have been killed by a being endowed with sufficient reasons to use a dagger, a spear or an arrow. I recommend you to search the location of our death, but do not ask to Leonard... Anyway, he was too young when we died for him to be directly involved... Dig out the Behemoth Portal, you will definitely find traces...

Start location: Behemoth Geçiti - Behemoth Portal (E2)
End location: Behemoth Geçiti - Behemoth Portal (E2)

Requirements for reveal

Spoils searched

Requirements for finish

Gizemli ok başı


The cause of the death
12x Sis İncisi