The awakening of the wooden soldiers

Baron Orkan

You are here for the devils goats coming from Tarasquan? Oh? They come from Hawkoria. Interesting, but unimportant. It would appear that the alpha male (we say that too among the goats of wood?), would have found a way to animate all the toys he touches. Should stop him before we end up with an army of toy soldiers... Imagine if all nutcrackers took up arms? It would be ridiculously terrifying. In short, we are willing to pay you a large sum to capture it. I will ask Grimald to manufacture a filter to disenchant him.

Start location: Farlamburg
End location: Farlamburg

Requirements for finish

Alfa keçi yakalandı


12x Sis İncisi
Kraliyet Şekerlemeleri

Next quests

Soğuk diyardan gelen arkadaş - after finish


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