The third wish from the engineer

Amalvik Kısakol

Well, we have the cable recipe and a skilled assistant to work with us on the elevator repair. We must now complete the task. It will probably not be so easy. You have to build the cable, or find someone to make it for you, assemble all parts of the forklift and finally perform a series of tests. This step can sometimes be more complicated than what we can think and this is when your star employee may be the most useful.

Start location: Behemoth'un Boğazı
End location: Behemoth'un Boğazı

Requirements for reveal

A cable to reach the stars - quest finished

Requirements for finish

Période de tests terminée
Ascenceur assembé
Câble du Béhémoth


Behemoth Geçiti (33:289)
5x Koordinasyon Viali
20x Sis İncisi

Next quests

Liraine efsanesi - after finish
The forgotten - after finish


Manage the time trial Mühendislik3503:28:2000
Craft the cable İşlemecilik5001:09:261233
Appoint the tests management Liderlik5000:00:1000
Assemble the elevator Mühendislik5000:00:100
Manage an assembler's team Liderlik5000:00:100
Supervise the cable design Liderlik5000:00:101233