A disreputable dealer

Arold Brigant

I've been thinking, and if my puppets were animated, it is surely because the wood that I bought from this traveling salesman. What was he like? He was small, dressed in red clothes and his face was hidden by a strange mask. He said he lived in the tower of Serwin, I thought it was a joke, but now I'm not so sure ... And that's the only clue I have. If you wanted to visit him and tell me how your meeting took place, I would pay you handsomely.

Start location: Öküzkafa Değirmeni
End location: Öküzkafa Değirmeni

Requirements for reveal

The mysterious escape of the wood goats - quest finished

Requirements for finish

Meeting with the farfadet


2x Sis İncisi
Kraliyet Şekerlemeleri

Next quests

Interrupt the Celebration - after finish