Call the mercenaries of the silver snout

Call the mercenaries of the silver snout

Offense: -1

You try to reproduce the dance steps Alevin Sharpsnout taught you; then you wait, but nothing happens. Just as you're preparing to start the movements again, a noise behind a gravestone draws your attention. Three men with a canine appearance and silver snouts charge at you before you have time to draw your weapon from its sheath. Good luck!

Cooldown01d 21:59:26
DifficultyOffense - -1


Ancients' cemetery

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A whiff of nostalgia


Takes: 5-8

Monstrinus Fly Wings2.1%1
Blacknester Cocoon2.1%1
Monstrinus Larva Jelly2.1%1
Blacknester Jelly2.1%1
Alchemideon Plasma2.1%1
Ghost Plasma2.1%1
Barkhein Putrid Tentacle2.1%1
Georgic Toenail2.1%1
Black Mantire Heart2.1%1
Alpha Tortolion Tongue2.1%1
Mutant Vargr Hair2.1%1
Celestre Dream Drizzle1.7%1
Oceanic Dream Drizzle1.7%1
Sylvestre Dream Drizzle1.7%1
Eliandel Eater Sting1.7%1
Silvain Spirit Essence1.7%1
Grizzly Claw1.7%1
Sacred Scavenger Eggs1.7%1
Landel Lynx Golden Hair1.7%1
Black Gargkul Powder1.7%1
Cidopadur Pator Venom1.7%1
Lanfar Shark Tentacle1.7%1
Sacred Scavenger Eyes1.7%1
Rust Eater Sting0.69%1
Ancient Lizard Scale of Eyebrow0.69%1
Blue Gargkul Powder0.69%1
Yellow Gargkul Powder0.69%1
Forest Shark Tentacle0.69%1
Monstrinus Cockroach Eyes0.69%1
Assassin Mandibles0.69%1
Tortolion Scale0.69%1
Sword-fly Sting0.69%1
Gargkul Ash0.69%1
Dark Memory Vapor0.69%1
Blood of Silent0.35%1
Draconic Heart0.35%1
Titan Dust0.35%1
Necrozornid Phalanx0.35%1
Jellyfish Retina0.35%1
Howler Scream0.35%1
Fourmilian Queen Sting0.35%1
Kraken Tentacle0.35%1
Lithoglaciar Heart0.35%1
Arachnobuzzard Feather0.35%1
Balurg'gor Vertebra0.35%1
Kryanodon Nuggets0.35%1