Search the abandoned tomb

Search the abandoned tomb

Archeology: 50

Any good archaeologist knows the difficulties posed by an excavation on frozen land, but when it is situated on top of a tall hill visited by winds capable of uprooting the strongest trees, the task becomes almost impossible. This is the challenge you must face if you want to discover the secrets of this huge blue head buried in the snow.

DifficultyArcheology - 50


Cape End-of-the-World(154:298)


Takes: 3-4

Stone Ancient Tablet5%1
Stone Ancient Tablet4%1
Common Artifact Fragment2.1%1
Stone Ancient Tablet2%1
Common Artifact Fragment1.7%1
Common Artifact Fragment1.3%1
Ancient Bone1.1%1
Military Artifact Fragment1.1%1
Military Artifact Fragment0.85%1
Ancient Bone0.85%1
Vuuz Effigy0.8%1-
Vuuz Locket0.8%1-
Military Artifact Fragment0.64%1
Ancient Bone0.64%1
Occult Artifact Fragment0.53%1
Occult Artifact Fragment0.43%1
Vuuz Statuette0.4%1-
Occult Artifact Fragment0.32%1
Noble Artifact Fragment0.21%1
Noble Artifact Fragment0.17%1
Noble Artifact Fragment0.13%1