Vegetal contraband


By the tortolion's hair! My men have yet again confiscated Myriaden plants going to Lithavand. It is insane the lengths criminals will go to in order to avoid paying export taxes. It's nevertheless very simple, products from the new continent, but growing here, can be exported without issue. But for the aboriginal species, there are additional fees. Listen, I know a certain Saturnin is in town and that he works for a contraband network. I understood you were interested in discussing with him. Here is what I propose: help me spot quickly the illegal merchandise and I will make sure Saturnin talks. It's something he won't be able to refuse.

Start location: Craneharbor - Craneharbor captaincy
End location: Craneharbor - Craneharbor captaincy

Requirements for reveal

Vandalism at Thegust's - 6

Requirements for finish

Knowledge of plants


Good argument
4x Foggy Pearl


Teach how to identify the vegetal species Horticulture1500:00:10
Coordinate the cargo inspection Leadership2000:00:10
Inspect the cargo Botany2000:00:10