Assalans' winch

Yraen Assalan

My great-uncle Umbrec Assalan was an eager treasure hunter. He had found Gaillarnel's wreck, a mystic boat that drowned in Anselme lake. Unfortunatly, this vast area disappeared during the Cataclysm and is now found in middle of Howler's marsh. In my family, they say that my uncle found a way to build a powerful winch to get Gaillarnel back ... but he needed a strong cable to create it. He probably had that recipe from a Den's merchant without knowing from who he was buying it. It wouldn't make any difference. So, maybe Upteth Assalan can help you to find the document. You will need to go to Hawkoria at the Hero's refugee to figure it out.

Start location: Behemoth Gorge
End location: City of Hawkoria - Visitors' district - The Heroes' Shelter

Requirements for finish

Upteth is convinced


8x Foggy Pearl
Exceptional cable recipe


Buy Umbrec's legacy Commerce2000:00:1012
Impress Upteth Archeology4000:00:10
Let Yraen convince Upteth Leadership5200:00:10