The Vala case


Hmmm... Yes, I remember this assassination which was classified as a vulgar accident. I admit that killing someone with a violin bow is daring and that no one will suspect a drunken musician from having planned a murder. In addition, a fatal accident is way less punishable by imprisonment than an homicide... I never could prove that the minstrel Jasiero Remio had really planned everything, but that is what I believe. He had to enchant the bow of his violin so it directly strikes the heart of Vala. Let us not misunderstand him, he was an abject individual, but he did not deserve his fate. Find the weapon of the crime and you will probably confirm my doubts. Where? I know that the violin was bought by Giordanno Essemart after the event. Go to the manor house of his family and you may find a clue.

Start location: Sleeping Lake
End location: Sleeping Lake

Requirements for finish

Enchanted bow


4x Foggy Pearl

Next quests

What's in a name? - after finish


Recognize an artifact of value Commerce1800:00:10
Identify the bow Jewelry2200:00:10
Search the mess Exploration2800:00:10