The fire at Aja's tower

Sorem Schubert

You have surely noticed there remain many ruins from the times preceding the Cataclysm. Meanwhile, Aja's tower was still in perfect condition when the first explorers arrived in Lanfar. They were unable to enter the tower because there were no doors. One day Arabelle Esque, an adventurer who though she had solved the mystery, went to the tower to find it collapsing because of a raging fire burning the interior. I must admit that it seems strange for a fire to destroy an tower of stone, but I am not a specialist. However I have several questions: what caused the fire? did Arabella tell the whole truth? was someone on the inside? was the tower destroyed intentionally? If you can do some investigating and give me a report afterwards, I will make sure you get the credit. I know that some of the Esques settled at Sheros and in Maliken. Maybe the descendants of Arabella can shed some light on this. I know that according to a popular theory, the hybrids were present during the Cataclysm, therefore the Arzem and Borzen may be able to help you. Thirdly, Aja had a terrible reputation with other lords. There may be documents which tell us more in old ruins, such as those at Elisime and Huntingwood.

Start location: Tortan Kampı
End location: Tortan Kampı

Requirements for reveal

Sadece teşekkür etmek istiyorum! - quest finished

Requirements for finish

Aja: Araştırma Raporu


1 75
12x Sis İncisi
Arkeoloji El Kitabı


Aja Kulesi hakkında rapor kaydet Genel-108:00:00151515
Search the ruins for documents Arkeoloji3100:00:10
Evraklar için masayı incele Arkeoloji3300:00:10
Look for Arabelle's descendants in Maliken Keşif3500:00:10
Look for Arabelle's descendants at Sheros Keşif3800:00:10
Borzemlerle konuyu tartış Liderlik3900:00:10
Arzenlerle konuyu tartış Liderlik3900:00:10