Flames and ruins

Per Kaleson

The screams, the smell of smoke and the sound of weapons clashing suggest the worst. The ruins are under attack! Obviously I can not do much, but you are prepared for this kind of expedition. I will go with you, but I will stay clear of the battle. Survivors will surely require my medical skills. In the heart of the action, I also believe it will be possible to learn more about the attackers. So I suggest we keep an open eye for hints about their identity.

Start location: Ruiny Molinów
End location: Ruiny Molinów

Requirements for finish

Elrickson defeated
5x Convalescent
Mikal defeated
Maelstram defeated
Identity of the attackers
Lund defeated
Zelana defeated


20x Mglista perła

Next quests

Forgotten amphora - after finish


Pokaż pisemne pozwolenie Ogólne-100:00:10
Daj urzędnikowi sygnał, aby otworzyć bramę Ogólne-100:00:10
Fight the first assassin Atak-100:00:10
Exit through the extinguished barricade Ogólne-100:00:10
Cross the flaming barricade Ogólne-100:00:10
Walcz ze skrybą Atak-100:00:10
Fight the giant Atak-100:00:10
Fight the sect chief Atak-100:00:10
Fight the champion Atak-100:00:10
Exit by the flaming barricade Eksploracja3000:00:10
Cross the extinguised barricade Eksploracja4000:00:10
Help the wounded to escape Przywództwo6000:00:10
Search the puppet bodies Archeologia6000:00:10
Extinguish the fire on the barricade Inżynieria6200:00:101
Use vulufangs to fight the flames Oswajanie6200:00:101
Hunt the troglodytes Myślistwo6500:00:10
Provide first aid Zielarstwo6500:00:1010