Cross the fog

Cross the fog

Metascience: 10

While you are exploring the area, a thick fog suddenly descends. Understanding that you are now in a vulnerable situation, you quickly try to find a way out. After some minutes you finally see sunlight, but you realize you are in a part of the region you haven't been to before. Another adventurer seems to have had the same experience, but he won't come back home to tell his story. You make sure that at least some of his equipment leaves the place.

DifficultyMetascience - 10


Dragons' Jaw(131:248)


Takes: 2-3

Old Currency25%1
Foggy Pearl23.8%1-3
Foggy Pearl1.3%3-4
Blacknester Cocoon0.96%1
Blacknester Jelly0.96%1
Alchemideon Plasma0.96%1
Barkhein Putrid Tentacle0.96%1
Monstrinus Fly Wings0.96%1
Ghost Plasma0.96%1
Monstrinus Larva Jelly0.96%1
Sacred Scavenger Eggs0.96%1
Celestre Dream Drizzle0.96%1
Grizzly Claw0.96%1
Oceanic Dream Drizzle0.96%1
Sylvestre Dream Drizzle0.96%1
Sacred Scavenger Eyes0.96%1
Cidopadur Pator Venom0.96%1
Lanfar Shark Tentacle0.96%1
Black Gargkul Powder0.96%1
Silvain Spirit Essence0.96%1
Landel Lynx Golden Hair0.96%1
Eliandel Eater Sting0.96%1
Forest Shark Tentacle0.96%1
Rust Eater Sting0.96%1
Yellow Gargkul Powder0.96%1
Blue Gargkul Powder0.96%1
Ancient Lizard Scale of Eyebrow0.96%1
Monstrinus Cockroach Eyes0.96%1