
Companions Regions


Trade: Tanner1
Basics of tanning6


Tan a hare skin300:03:2811
Tan a doe skin500:12:3011Yes
Tan a stag skin700:12:3011Yes
Tan an elk skin1000:12:3011
Tan a wild boar skin1200:12:3011Yes
Tan a bear skin1500:12:3011Yes
Tan a varanus skin1600:13:5311Yes
Tan a wolf skin1700:12:3011Yes
Tan an aurochs skin1800:12:3011Yes
Tan an oryctus skin2000:13:5311
Tan a behiran skin2200:20:5011
Tan a grizzly skin2400:17:2111
Tan a barkhein skin2500:16:4011
Tan a vargr skin2700:40:1613Yes
Obtain borzemian leather3000:03:281111
Tan a Norstrian goat skin3300:44:2612
Tan a catoblepas skin4000:40:16133
Tan the Royal goat's skin4500:31:1552
Tan a chimera skin4900:44:2614
Tan a walhein skin5300:36:0611
Tan an ayrann skin5700:55:3311
Tan a wyvern skin5901:02:3011
Tan a necrowyvern skin6301:30:161040

Leather Armory

Make a leather coif100:04:5121Yes
Make leather gloves300:20:0011Yes
Make leather crakows500:20:0011Yes
Make a leather whip700:30:0021Yes
Make a leather spangenhelm900:20:0051Yes
Make a leather jacket1000:20:5031Yes
Make leather arms1100:15:0031Yes
Make studded leather gloves1200:30:00111Yes
Make leather legs1300:30:0041Yes
Make short leather boots1400:20:0031Yes
Make a leather barbute1500:30:0051Yes
Make a leather chest1600:30:0061Yes
Make high leather boots1700:30:0061Yes
Make studded leather arms1800:45:00321Yes
Make studded leather boots1900:45:00511Yes
Make studded leather legs2000:45:00431Yes
Make a studded leather barbute2100:45:00521Yes
Make a studded leather chest2201:00:00821Yes
Make scale boots2400:48:36371Yes
Make leather trims2500:27:4611Yes
Make scale arms2500:45:00331Yes
Make scale legs2600:45:00431Yes
Make mail boots2800:55:33371Yes
Make scale armor3000:48:361051
Make a Scale Helm3500:48:36651Yes
Make plate boots3600:55:33371Yes

Runic Tanning

Make a runic whip5004:37:46211

Conpanions for trade

NameSkillGet with
Craftswoman10 Leadership
Tanner20 Leadership
Modiste30 Leadership
Royal chimera40 Leadership


The Gourins' barn10
Wools and Skins workshop10
The Aurochs' Skin10
Hunting camp10
Hunters' and Fishers' Cabin15
Guardian's house15
Secret sewing workshop35