The rules of the Den

Fanwok Greybeard

Before letting you wander around our territory, we must make sure you understand how our society works. Murder, robbery, rape and all the other violent crimes are severely punished. The region's inhabitants are rather placid and friendly, but they are wary of humans. We ask you not to rush them. Dukes represent authority here. If they arrest or question you, you must obey. Our laws are similar to yours and are applied to all the citizens of the duchy. However, there are some more or less intelligent creatures that are roaming in the caves and that can attack the travellers. In this kind of situation, you can defend yourself. Have I made myself clear?

Start location: Guard station

Requirements for reveal

Friends in the mountain - quest finished

Next quests

With the ogres - after finish
A grieving friend - after finish
An alarming situation - after finish
A good thief knows how to go unnoticed - after finish
Iron duke - after finish
Meeting the Archduke - after finish
Recommendation from Naim - after finish
Fain's recommendation - after finish